Monday, October 29, 2012

Thank You

Thank You
..for the endless reasons to be grateful
..that despite everything that I have done, You remain by my side
..for teaching me new lessons everyday
..for giving me the grace to accept the things that I cannot do anything about and for making me realize what things I can do something about
..for the gift of family and the warmth of our home
..for providing for my family's needs
..for protecting each and everyone of us as we go about our daily lives
..that my parents are as generous and loving as they are
..for my job and for this opportunity to learn and earn at the same time
..that my colleagues are also my friends
..for the leads You send my way
..that my parents are still willing to send me to school and that I just need to choose to focus on it for me to finish
..that I am living the life that I am living
..for the people You send my way
..for Chrisna and for the new things that she makes me feel and the things she makes me think about
..for strengthening my heart to take what I need to take in
..that in my confusion and doubt, You are there to make things clear
..for always being there for me even if I am not always here for You
..that I have my friends who are always there even if I am not such a good friend to them
..for humbling my heart all the time

..for everything.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I will..

Starting today, I will try to talk less and do more.
I guess it's true what they say.. Well done is always better than well said.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

2 months and 1 day today

We are 2 months and 1 day today.

8 weeks and a day..
..of being in love
..of arguing and making up again
..of knowing and of understanding
..of how we are together
..of what the our lives together is like
..of what can be from today until I take my last breath

8 weeks and a day that's a sneak peak to forever.