Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grateful to Have a Brother-in-Law

Almost everyone gets to have a brother-in-law. Not all may be living with their brother-in-laws though. And that's why I think I'm sort of different. I live in the same house with my sister's entire family. It's chaotic but still fun. It'll be dead silent here at home without kids but that is a different story altogether.

Today, I will thank my brother-in-law, Kuya Dino.

Thank you for the favors you've done for me especially when I was not driving yet. There were a couple of times that you brought me to school, to a gimmick, a friends house and whatnot.

Thanks for cooking for the family. I mean, I think you are the only 1 in the 9 people here at home that has the patience to cook. Well, you and Mom ;)

Thanks for taking care of my sister and for providing for her needs and even wants. Thank you for trying your best to provide my sister, niece and nephews the life that you think they deserve.

Thanks for your willingness to help me with directions, tech stuff or whatever.

Thanks for accepting Kd and I. I honestly don't know if you accepted us just because you have no choice or because you just really do but whatever it is, thank you.

Today's for you ;)

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