Thursday, April 3, 2008


I do average things in average ways,
accomplish average things through exerting average effort.

I dream of average dreams and hang on to average hopes,
desire averagely desirable desires.

I say average things with average conviction,
give average affection accompanied by average feelings of connection.

I feed off average thoughts and average results of an idle mind,
averagely laugh at averagely funny extremes.

I walk around carrying average truths and hide behind average lies,
keeping to myself an average combination of authenticity and hypocrisy.

I get average eventualities from average demands,
average satisfaction from average actions.

I reach average heights because of average leaps of faith,
average depths with average sinking underneath.

I feel average feelings and emotions,
average urges and pushes and waves of unclear currents.

I go to average lengths and just get to average distances,
average extents for average effects.

I breathe, bathe, feed, sleep, trip, grip, munch on all that is average,
average seems to be the only property I can claim.

I live an average life;
And probably die an average death.

Acquire average wealth,
and leave them to my heirs in average trays.


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