Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I've got some serious realizations ha. I think I need to be alone. Like alone alone.  Like as in no one but friends and family level. Then when I can honestly tell myself that "hey, I can live like this, with myself" then that's the time that I'm ready. Ready to commit entirely and fully.

Well this is as of this moment that I am writing this. So this can change. But yeah, I think right now this is my fight plan :)

Oh yeeees :D

Monday, February 17, 2014


Okay, now I understand why the things that happened had to happen. 

I don't think I understand everything 100% but I think I got a good chunk of it.

I'm being taught a lot of awesome lessons. I'll explain it more later on, when I am able to compose my forever unkempt mind.

As for now, no regrets, as in 0. I'll just keep moving forward. No looking back :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hey You

Thank you that you walked into my life. 

Thank you that there is someone I could sort of look up to and want to be with all rolled up into one.

Thank you that even if you don't have any idea that you are, you are teaching me to be patient. You are teaching me the value of waiting for the right time.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


There's something about the look in your eyes, something I noticed when the light was just right. It reminded me twice that I was alive and it reminded me that you're so worth the fight.