Monday, September 29, 2008

More and More

I love you more
today than yesterday :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Touch Me

..And I will follow in your afterglow

You Got Me

You got me..
Don't need to wonder how and why..
Just know that you got me..
And I love you everyday..

Don't ever question..
Just clear your worried mind...
Everything will be alright..
You got me..

Friday, September 26, 2008

Erase Your Fears

I want you to see what I see in you.
So that you'd be able to understand
how you look in my eyes.
And then when you see,
then you'd be able to know
why I'd always choose you.
When you are able to see
and you already know,
then maybe I'd be able to erase all your fears.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Faces. Faces.
Insignificant faces.
One, two, three, four, five.
Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty.
A hundred, a thousand.
Ten thousand, maybe a hundred thousand.
Talking, laughing, sitting, waiting, walking, standing.
Breathing. Breathing. Breathing.
Each insignificant face tells its story,
each story counts, each story matters.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Loosen my lips.
Everything else with the sway of your hips.
Pull me down hard,
and then drown me in love.

I want to make you believe,
and then make you forget.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

12:24 am

Thoughts consist of images and words.
Words said and heard in the past.
Rain. Flood. Tranquility. Love. Peace. Wings. Everything. Sky. Storm. Babe. Eyes. Confusion. Four-leafed clovers. Loyalty. Heartbeat. Breathing. Yours. Mine. Owned. Memories. Remembering. Music. Random. Wishes. Dreams. Conclusion. Conversations. Telephone. Call. Uplifted. Accepted. God. Touch. Donuts. Chocolates. Figures. Speech. Collide. Treasure. Secret. Moving. Going. Gone.


It's nothing new.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We're Under the Same Sky

No matter how far apart we are,
we would always be under the same sky.
Always, always.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dreams Happen

I have these dreams;
fed and nurtured by my imagination.
These dreams that I dream,
they are raised high above by fantasy.
The heights to where my dreams are raised
make it vulnerable to get destroyed
and crushed by reality.

But with you, these dreams can happen.
Hold my hand, let's make
dreams happen.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Always Better

It's always better when we're together :P

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Can't Not Be Moved

How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?

Hey, point it up.

Point that vector a little to the north.
No more crashing at lightning speed.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yours in All Colors

There is the black side.
There is also the white.
These are the clear areas;
--the ones we get,
the ones we understand.
The things where boundaries
and limits are set,
where lines are clearly drawn.
There, however, are the grays.
Things we do not get,
do not understand
and perhaps we'll never do.
Things that haunt us,
frustrate and scare us.
Things that for some unreasonable reason
we cannot just disregard.
But through all these
one thing is sure,
I am yours..
In the blacks, the whites
and even in the grays.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Currently feeling:


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Found You

You are the best kept secret of my generation;
You are the best kept secret of the world.
And I found you.
Now, I'm keeping you.

Monday, September 8, 2008

...You Told Me :)

"Girl, you’re the first time in a long time that I felt this way

I’ve seen your smile before but it never made me high
Baby, please don’t go and end it before it’s begun
I know it’s easy to make excuses but you know it can’t be undone"

Monday, September 1, 2008

I Drown.. In a Good Way

I could drown inside a single drop
of all the kinds of things you got
And all the kinds of things I'm not.